Thursday, March 02, 2006

Back to Basics - "Feel the aggregation leave your body. Deep breath!"

Clicked into Bloglines this morning. Scanned the number of new goodies in My Feeds. Opened "Blogs - VCs". Expanded the content for A VC. Actually read the posted entitled The Reason I Prefer Browsing to Reading Feeds. Got to thinking.

You know what? That guy has a point. In an attempt to cover as much ground as I can through the use of an aggregator, I inadvertently stepped away from the process that led me to discover much of the content that I now aggregate - clicking on links that look like they might possibly maybe be interesting. And sometimes discovering that, in fact, they are!

I've also kicked of the process of updating my blogroll only to discover that I need to get browsing to discover more links to add to my blogroll. So point me to some interesting pages.

Breath, you bastard, breath!