Thursday, December 29, 2005


Christmas 2005 will most likely go down in history as the one marking the resurgence of Apple in the hearts of the electronics consumer. Perhaps, in some history textbook not yet written, let alone in anyone's in box, it will be referred to as the iChristmas.

On iChristmas morning, Eden had one of her most wanted items waiting for her under the tree: her new iPod shuffle. After I had finished loading some songs on it, I sat at the computer a bit longer, enjoying a lazy morning, sipping a second cup of coffee, reading the news from around the crazy world. About half an hour later, I saw my little girl as if she were on the verge of being iPoded into an ad!

Though she had on the customary Christmas colors of red and black, the iPod-white cords of the headphones and lanyard really popped out from the colorful canvas of her clothing, suggestively muting the red of her top, making themselves seem to glow with bright-whiteness. It must be said, those white cords really stood out! My immediate thought was about how different the world of this 9 year old is from the one I inhabited at her age.

Happy Holidays.

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