Sunday, January 08, 2006

Retirement? I Hope You Have A Plan B!

In his column over at Yahoo!Finance titled Why the Rich Get Richer, Robert Kiyosaki put up one post last October that I found to be very much on the money. In Work Hard, Earn Less?, Robert, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, provides a smidge of the salient advice he got from his "rich" dad:
"If you want to earn more and pay less in taxes, you need to have people and your money work hard for you." In other words, my rich dad encouraged me to be an entrepreneur and investor.
Of course, we've all heard the same thing, so what makes this article worth your time? If you think the largest obstacle to your retirement well-being is the return you may or may not earn on your 401(k), then you should read the article. If, instead, you believe your treatment at the hands of the taxman will be your undoing, then you should read the article. I guess the point I'm trying to make is, Go Read Robert's Article! It won't cost you more than a few minutes of your time, and it's tax-free (for now)!

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