Saturday, January 07, 2006

This List of 3 Leads to More; or Why Firefox 1.5 is The Web's Best Browser

Does that seem like a bold statement to make, particularly in these dawning days of the Web 2.0?  I should hope so, because I want to drive home the point that the Firefox 1.5 web browser is so much more user friendly that any other I 've used.  It seems, as I find with so much of today's better technology, not everything of use is told to consumers up front.  What the hell am I trying to say, you wonder?  Just this, to really take advantage of the conveniences offered in the Firefox browser, it pays to do a little more research (advanced researchers, click here), and to that end, I'd like to take the opportunity to point you, or rather have you point your browser towards some useful links at Lifehacker.

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